Political & Business Intelligence
Access to information directly impacts your company’s bottom line. Fabiani & Company ensures that its clients remain 'ahead of the curve' by providing them with real-time insider information. Utilizing our access to credible sources of information from the decision-makers that influence your industry, our firm provides critical intelligence before it is publically known and reported in the media.
By gathering information and providing real-time situational awareness to our from the public and private sectors that directly impact your business decisions and approach. We have developed strategic channels of communication within the following areas which prepare our clients take preemptive action on issues of importance to their business:
Fabiani & Company tracked relevant policy issues in the Congress to advise its client about potential legislative actions that would threaten the company’s core business. Fabiani & Company closely monitored several Congressional Committees with appropriate jurisdiction over the client’s industry and those Members of Congress who potentially could create an adversarial situation for the client. This insider’s perspective and heightened situational awareness allowed Fabiani & Company to positively position the client before threatening activities occurred.