Opportunities Created, Problems Solved.
Not-for-Profit & NGO

Not-for-Profit & NGO

Chicago Toronto Washington DC New York Lima London Brussels Rome

Fabiani & Company’s professionals have a broad range of experience in working with non-profit organizations.  

From the smallest of healthcare providers to the largest of disability advocacy groups, our professionals have an unparalleled track record of developing, implementing and tailoring strategies to help advance an organization’s long term strategic objectives.

We provide our non-profit clients with invaluable counsel in the areas of government funding, public and private partnership development, competitive grant writing, board development and philanthropic support.

Whether it be advocating for Federal funding for the construction and equipping of new facility or helping develop a relationship with a prominent corporation, Fabiani & Company’s focus is on producing tangible results.

Fabiani & Company’s ability to adapt quickly to the ever changing fiscal environment non-profits are facing today is the reason why retaining us has routinely proven to be one of the most valuable investments an organization can make.

Success on behalf of Not-for-Profit & NGO clients:

Premiere New England Art Museum

Fabiani & Company was hired to develop and implement strategies to attract Federal resources to assist the institution with the expansion of their facilities and infrastructure. Working with the local Congressional delegation and Members of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, Fabiani & Company assisted in securing $6.2 million in the 2006 Transportation Equity Act. The authorized funds were used to assist in reducing traffic congestion and increasing access to the museum.

International, Nonprofit Organization

Fabiani & Company sought and continues to expand federal funding for three important initiatives – a health program, an educational program, and an ambitious global expansion initiative. We crafted and strategically maneuvered the passage of an historic, bipartisan piece of legislation, which President Bush signed into law that year, authorizing $15 million in federal funding for the three initiatives together each year, for five years. In addition to helping secure this critical funding, we have been integral in assisting this organization in securing over $36 million of Federal funds over a five-year period.

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