Opportunities Created, Problems Solved.
Advanced Technology & Defense

Advanced Technology & Defense

Chicago Toronto Washington DC New York Lima London Brussels Rome

The Advanced Technology & Defense team identifies Federal funding opportunities and forges public sector partnerships.

The team works with companies who have innovations that support critical U.S. government mission requirements and programs, including services and cutting edge technologies that respond to 21st century warfighter needs and to evolving national security priorities, such as cyber security. 

Drawing on the full resources of Fabiani & Company, we work closely with our clients to develop strategies that establish and solidify relationships with potential Federal technology co-developers and customers.  Executive Branch agency experts and our clients work together to develop and pursue particular technology applications.

We specialize in “partnering” our clients with government programs at the Department of Defense, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Department of Homeland Security.  The Advanced Technologies team works directly with the Congress, agency program managers and key agency appointees to ensure that our clients are not only talking to the right people, but are appropriately positioned to obtain the non-dilutive funding and in-kind contributions that will advance business objectives.

Success on behalf of Advanced Technology & Defense clients:

Nanomanufacturing Client

On behalf of a major institution, Fabiani & Company has guided the development of a program to support the efforts of the U.S. government and nanotechnology industry to gain nanomanufacturing capability. The institution’s visibility and stature have been raised and its leadership for this project established with the Federal government and key stakeholders. Since 2008, more than $3.5 million in research and development funding associated with this effort has been obtained.

Radiation Hardening Client

On behalf of a firm which develops electronic applications for carbon nanotubes, Fabiani & Company helped obtain over $10 million in government contracts for the development of radiation hardened non-volatile random access memory and an additional $9 million for the development of radiation hardening of processor chips. Fabiani & Company also assisted in expanding this client’s business relationships by integrating it into a university-based research consortium located in a separate part of the U.S. which has been recognized as a model for regional and statewide business development.

Major Defense and Technology Contracting Client

Long-term representation on behalf of one of the world’s largest defense and technology contractors/manufacturers on issues that included securing federal defense contracts and in particular, federal defense and Congressional funding for major weapons systems. Efforts on behalf of this client included developing a set of strategies to educate and inform key Members of Congress, their professional staff and certain Committees of the Congress about the Corporation’s capabilities, the challenges in designing and developing a $2 billion per copy submarine, and the need to retain the U.S.’s technological competitive edge by a long term procurement commitment to the client. During the span of the representation the Client received more than $6 billion in federal procurement contracts.

Italian Aviation Manufacturer

On behalf of an Italian corporation that manufactures medium, mid-range sized jet aircraft, our principals developed a “marketing” plan aimed at convincing the US Marine Corps that their requirement for certain “executive”, top brass aircraft could be met by our Italian client’s product. The plan took into account the US’s interest in working closely with the European Community on shared defense responsibilities thereby making it logical that the Marine Corps might purchase from a non-American manufacturer. The result was that the Marine Corps purchased approximately $80 million of product from the Italian client.

Semiconductor/Microelectronics Client

On behalf of a major innovator of high-technology solutions for the semiconductor/microelectronics equipment and chemicals marketplace, Fabiani & Company has guided the firm in establishing productive and substantive relationships with its Congressional delegation and helped to secure Federal funding for a diversity of projects involving each of the company’s core products including anti-reflective coatings and optoelectronic and MEMS materials, coat and bake equipment for clean rooms, and enhanced planarization tools. Since 2001, this client has received more than $25 million to support research and development of technologies that directly support the Department of Defense and have commercial applications.

Robotic Technologies Client

On behalf of a medical devices, vehicle armor and robots technology development company, Fabiani & Company representatives have developed hundreds of millions of dollars in contract awards from government agencies across the entire spectrum of sponsored research programs over a period of fourteen years. When the firm was sold, Fabiani & Company representatives were responsible for ensuring the integrity of all ongoing sponsored research programs, and assisted the Company in securing and expanding all programs, including those that were divested, and those retained. Currently Fabiani & Company is working to expand the development of products.

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