Higher Education
As a result our collective experience in this sector ranges from representing some of the largest public research universities in the United States, to representing smaller, private liberal arts colleges.
For each higher education institution, Fabiani & Company's higher education team designs and implements multifaceted strategies to assist themin obtaining funding for capital projects, technology improvements and research funding.
In addition, we enable our clients to implement strategic efforts to leverage public and private sector funding in order to maximize their return.
Fabiani & Company identified and assisted with securing both competitive and discretionary resources for a proposed Center for Advanced Public Safety. The college’s Department of Public Safety provides training to more than 100 different police and fire departments in area. The college seeks to maximize homeland security-related dollars by implementing train-the-trainer programs at one location to ensure police officers, firefighters, nurses, EMTs, and other local first responders are prepared to react to a manmade or natural disaster in one of the most populous and economically-vital regions of the United States.
Fabiani & Company was hired to develop and implement an aggressive strategy for the University to obtain federal funding. With research facilities along the Lake Michigan shoreline, we recognized the University's unique physical and intellectual capability as a leader in water quality research, and alternative energy research and development. In two appropriations cycles we have provided the funding needed to expand the research and education facilities for the water research institute. Also, partnering with other universities in the Midwest, we lead in the creation and funding of a new University Transportation consortium for medium- and high-technology transportation research.