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Raffaele Bozzano

Raffaele Bozzano

Raffaele Bozzano

Raffaele Bozzano is a senior consultant based in Fabiani & Company's Rome office. He brings with him close relationships with some of the most important companies and institutions in Italy built during a successful 40-year career in the insurance industry.

He currently is chairman of Rela Broker, a position he has held since 1999.  From 2002 to 2009 he was also a partner in Ital Brokers.

Prior to that time, Mr. Bozzano acted as chairman and managing director of a AON Risk Management Srl and AON Italia, Alexander and Alexander (Rome), Futuro 2000 (Milan), Ital Brokers and Ital Brokers Holding, Interbrokers, Interconsult, and Consulbrokers.  He also served as deputy chairman of AON Nikols (Milan).

In addition to serving on the boards of directors of Ital Brokers and Carige Assicurazioni, Mr. Bozzano served for nine years on the board of directors of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Genova e Imperia.  He currently sits on the boards of directors of Ital Brokers Holding and og G. Gaslini Hospital.

Mr. Bozzano has been a member of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, as Knight of Magisterial Grace, since 1999.  He served as president of ANIDA (Confindustria) Environmental Risks Committee from 1994 to 2000 and received a Congressional Flag from the U.S. Ambassador to Italy, the Honorable Mel Sembler, in 2002.  Since 2003 he has also acted as promoter of the Giorgio Perlasca Foundation.  He speaks Italian and English.

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